Sarahracha rhymes with "Frère Jacques"

Monday, November 8, 2010


I have a lot of corks. I have made Christmas wreaths, coasters, trivets, bulletin boards and doormats out of corks. My cat loves napping on the cork doormat we have on our front porch. My husband and I love to go wine tasting. We live in a town that has dubbed itself "The gateway to the wine country". We are just ten minutes away from the nearest winery. Recently I have been asking folks at wineries if I could have any corks they were planning on tossing out. Everyone says YES! I have tried several methods of putting corks together, not liking just gluing them, I wanted something a bit more in line with my weaving skills and finally discovered that by drilling holes in the corks I can treat them like beads and create all kinds of things. Here are a few I have posted on my etsy. Please check them out!

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